NXT Freemarket vs Silkroad
Nxt developer Poofknuckles interviewed about NXT Freemarket. https://soundcloud.com/supernetradio/17-january-juan-galt-and-mr-knuckles-nxt-freemarket-developer
Nxt developer Poofknuckles interviewed about NXT Freemarket. https://soundcloud.com/supernetradio/17-january-juan-galt-and-mr-knuckles-nxt-freemarket-developer
Welcome to the SuperNET! This newsletter is (should have been) shorter than usual, with the holidays getting in the way. Still, of course, there are some exciting developments… Topics v1 client JLH – The Lottery – more on JLH The jl777 Bonus Opal client OPALTKN dividend sent VPN SuperNET client MGWcoin asset dividend? FinHive Pangea Freemarket …
Welcome to SuperNET! It’s that time again, and once more there have been lots of developments since our last newsletter. A new promising coin has joined the SuperNET core, a SkyNET dividend has been announced, and we’ll walk you through the current holdings of SuperNET as well as this week’s development. Hang on. Topics New core coin …
Welcome to the SuperNET newsletter! In this edition, we’ll be digging a little more into Nxt, as well as some of the assets that James gave to SuperNET. These assets were previously mentioned (in SuperNET Newsletter #3), though not explained in detail. There are also some new announcements and developments, as always. Topics Market neoDICE MGW …
Decentralised marketplace built on NXT blockchain enables free, global, private trade. A new online marketplace will allow merchants and customers to buy and sell any goods and services they want, wherever they are in the world, with low fees and no interference. NXT FreeMarket (NXTFreeMarket.com) is built on the popular cryptocurrency platform NXT, which already …
jl777: Now with SuperNET gearing up, it is a good time to finally issue the asset. FreeMarket is ready for BETA testers Asset ID: 134138275353332190 Issuing account: 9190137219092766242 https://bter.com/trade/mrkt_btc Deposit https://bter.com/myaccount/deposit/MRKT 20% of FreeMarket listing fees will go to SuperNET. FreeMarket has several advantages over options like eBay: There is no third-party payment processor There is no need …