Nxt - unsurpassable blockchain solutions
In 2013 a blockchain was launched
A java based PoS blockchain platform with built in decentralized features

The community too was decentralized
and the creator of the codebase, BCNext, told the community to take over control of the idea, the code, and the ecosystem. Then, he left.
Table of Contents
by apenzl
by abctc, apenzl
The Genesis:
The Miss America of alternate cryptocurrencies
by Daniel M. Ryan
Nxt: Its history and potential
by Lionel ‘Ludom’ Jeannerat
Initializing NRS
by apenzl, Zahlen
by apenzl
Nxt Foundation:
How to market a decentralised open source organisation
by Dave ‘EvilDave’ Pearce
The Original Spirit
by Bas ‘Damelon’ Wisselink
by apenzl, Cassius
Arbitrary Messages
by apenzl, Cassius
The Asset Exchange
by apenzl, Cassius, Zahlen
Nxt Crowdfunding
by RubénBC
A Fully Decentralised Marketplace
by apenzl, Cassius
Nxt - a revolutionary tool for businesses
by Roberto ‘Capodieci’ Capodieci
Nxt Monetary System
by apenzl, Cassius
The Regulatory Process:
If you‘re not at the table, you‘re on the menu
by Robert Bold, Kushti, Jean-Luc and Riker
Shuffling Your Way to Privacy
by apenzl
by apenzl
Phasing transactions
by apenzl
The Fork
by apenzl
Nxt 2.0; Ardor
by apenzl, Jean-Luc
Nxt Plugins
by apenzl
Fiat is failing. Let ‘battle’ commence?
by Robert Bold
Additional resources
(228 pages)
Book description
“SNAPSHOT - Nxt, unsurpassable blockchain solutions”
- a collection of articles, which, after a short introduction to the concept of blockchain technology, looks deep into Nxt.
The History
From its rather tumultuous launch in late November 2013, the pros and cons of its distribution model and the anonymous inventor, BCNext, who handed over the source code to the community and gave them the responsibility to enhance the tech and ecosystem, this book takes the reader on a journey through ups and downs, features, use cases, business projects and bank/government adoption of the Nxt Proof-of-Stake blockchain.
In 228 pages the book tells the story of how a group of mostly anonymous people, investors, cryptographers, economists, and not least software developers, as well as businesses, set out to change the world. Nxt had already been leading the way in the forefront of PoS blockchain technology for more than 3 years, and its core team had been rapidly launching new built-in core features, that anyone can use as they are, or use to build even more advanced decentralised applications on top of the blockchain.
The "Descendant of Bitcoin"?
Nxt offers token transfers, encrypted and public messaging, a voting system, an Asset Exchange (DEX), Data Cloud, a "coin shuffling” system (for privacy), as well as an always open p2p Digital Marketplace, and a Monetary System with which you can launch your own cryptocurrency, just to mention some of the inbuilt features. All features are available through The Nxt Client and an extensive API, which makes it possible to couple all the features and build D'apps with advanced blockchain features, almost like building with Lego bricks.
If you have the slightest interest in the safe handling of data, decentralized applications free from censorship and hacking, secure storage, time stamping and the transaction of money, stocks, personal records, files, votes, you name it, then we recommend you to read this book.
Today, Nxt is still maintained. Nxt's PoS can power a global energy efficient blockchain infrastructure, in contrast to the Bitcoin's - and Ethereum's - PoW protocol, which is, by design, environmentally disastrous and enforces centralisation. Full Nxt blockchain nodes can be run on Android phones, and with the recent implementation of smart stateless contracts, Nxt still is a leader in blockchain development.
Announcing Ardor
The book ends with the announcement of the scalable Nxt 2.0 - today known as Ignis and Ardor.
Listen to the first chapter, "The Genesis: The Miss America of alternate cryptocurrencies"
“Nxt is the most amazing decentralised tool that knows no borders, no central authorities, no risks of fraud. With its API and hundreds of endpoint calls, Nxt is an easy tool to integrate with other software solutions, thus being the perfect solution for each business need”.
~ Roberto Capodieci, blockchain expert, CEO -
“The technology that will have the greatest impact for our society is here. It is called ‘Blockchain.’ Nxt is one of the most advanced forms of blockchain technology that uses proof-of-stake to achieve distributed consensus”
~ Joseph Toh, CEO – Digital Billions
We tested multiple platforms before deciding Nxt (and future Ardor) was perfect for our needs. The primary goal was functional ease of use for token holders, I'll be blunt when we first opened and explored the Nxt client our minds were blown away at the plethora of features.
~ bjorn, the Janus Project
SNAPSHOT - Nxt, unsurpassable blockchain solutions
An introduction to the Nxt blockchain ecosystem - the history, technology, community and visions
E-book package
228 pages, printed in January 2017.
Learn how Blockchain 2.0 started
and why the Nxt codebase still rocks on:
The first 100% Proof-of-Stake blockchain
that launched the first coin creation service,
decentralized exchange, full business backend.
Learn how IGNIS and the Ardor platform
came into existence - what we learned, did,
and where it took the active Nxt community.
(well, you can find it in many other online shops too - please google the book title)
Who should read this?
Get involved. Just think about taking matters into your own hands for a second. Your money, your assets, your kids' future. Everything gets digitalised. Own your data.
There will be millions of blockchains.
Nxt is a Blockchain 2.0 platform, and getting around the first couple of days can be tricky. You should start learning about it right away.
Who wants 1000% ROI? Early adaptors got it, read how they invest in ICO's on the Nxt Asset Exchange. Get insight into a possibly rewarding but also risky crypto trading environment.
What's your plan? Even if you don't desire getting a job in the industry, you will learn about efficient means of fundraising, decentralized leadership - and the starfish!
Ardor lets you spawn your own ledger with the technology of Nxt. Nxt is already in use as the backbone of private and public blockchain businesses.
Build a powerful and long-lasting rocket ship using ingredients from the Nxt codebase. The Ardor Platform is built with Nxt. This book prepares you for the future.
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Thanks @NxtCommunity for the swag!
— Charlie Shrem (@CharlieShrem) June 6, 2017
Guess who has a few copies of #Snapshot, the book about $Nxt? I do!!! #Blockchain #cryptocurrency #book #historyinthemaking #Ardor
— Roberto Capodieci (@capodieci) December 1, 2016
Got the #snapshot book by @Nxter_org ! #Nxt #Ardor
— Travin Keith (@TravinKeith) December 21, 2016
@capodieci I am reading it now! #SocEnt @treecredits
— Ferdinand Swart (@srifer) December 3, 2016
All details about the beginning of #Nxt can be found in this #book. #Ardor #SuperNET #cryptocurrency
— Magic-NXT (@MagicNxt) December 1, 2016
It arrived! Some light reading ahead.
— Steven (@sigwo) January 24, 2017
Thanks to Ruben for sharing this photo featuring the #snapshot book together with his dog named #Nxt! @Nxter_org #blockchain
— Nxt (@NxtCommunity) December 3, 2016
Chris, reading up on #NXT. Looking forward to seeing you as our $Nxt #blockchain #vlogger
— NXTER Magazine (@Nxter_org) May 30, 2017
Just bought #Snapshot "#Nxt - unsurpassable #blockchain solutions", or the story of @NxtCommunity / @RealApenzl @Nxter_org @comefrombeyond
— edoardo (edo™) calia (@edocalia) July 22, 2017
Very happy with the Nxt book 'Snapshot'. What an amazing work! 🙂 #Nxt #Book #Snapshot #226pages #Ardor #IGNIS
— Nxtguide (@Nxtgids) November 29, 2016
Just got my copy of @NxtCommunity Snapshot book thanks @TravinKeith
— Bill Cassidy (@cassidysweb) December 21, 2016
Snapshot, the book about #Nxt by @Nxter_org, is now in the northernmost public #library in the world. #blockchain #Svalbard #Longyearbyen
— Nxt (@NxtCommunity) February 16, 2017
Long train ride ahead. Finally time to read the book about the amazing #blockchain #Nxt: Snapshot.
So proud to be part of that community 🙂— Peter Farla (@farl) February 15, 2017
Not #snapchatselfie but #snapshotselfie. Exploring $Nxt. History and looking forward to future called $Ardor! @NxtCommunity @Ardorplatform
— R0bInI0 (@R0bInI0) December 4, 2016
The Snapshot book by @Nxter_org is now part of the @st_association collection. Happy to have @AgavonCH involved. #Ardor #Nxt #Ignis
— Travin Keith (@TravinKeith) December 13, 2017