Nxt news – September 2016 (III): Slowly but surely

NXT NxtCoin 2. generation cryptocurrency news

September 2016 (III)


Slowly but surely, news about Nxt kept coming up this past week:

Here below are more details about each of these:


  • The First book about Nxt is finally ready to print

Here there is the first revealed image of the book – the main cover:


The book has been done with great personal care by members of the Nxt community. Its contents include high quality chapters crafted by a wide-range of contributors: Nxt Foundation members, Core Developers, and community members. These include some well-recognized names within the community, such as: apenzl, abctc, Dave Pearce, Cassius, Lionel Jeannerat, RubénBC, Bas Wisselink, Daniel M. Ryan, Roberto Capodieci, and Robert Bold.

For those of you who are interested in buying the First Book about Nxt and weren’t able to take advantage of all the early bird promotions, please contact @Ludom or @Apenzl through nxtforum.org or Slack to receive more details.

Source: http://test.nxter.org/crowdfunding-the-first-book-about-the-nxt-cryptocurrency-platform


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  • More testnodes are needed to test the mobile app

Riker, NRS Core Dev, made the following call to Nxt users:

Folks, in order to test the mobile app we need more 1.10.2 testnet nodes.
Currently we have only 5 nodes out of which only 2 has open APIs and only one supports SSL.

Would be great if some of you can update their tesnet nodes to 1.10.2 then fire up their testnet nodes and set them to use open APIs with the following nxt.properties:
nxt.myAddress=<IP address>
nxt.apiServerHost=<IP address>

If someone can also setup SSL for the API peer that’s even better.

The final objective of strengthening the Testnet is to be able to test the proper behaviour of the mobile phone app, which is already in an advanced stage of development and will come in really handy for a lot of users and will subsequently open up a new world of possibilities.


Some time later after the first announcement, Riker gave us some more details about the future Nxt mobile app:

1 – The app is based on Html5, ionic (http://ionicframework.com/) and Cordova (https://cordova.apache.org/) being so, the same codebase should be able to support all the major mobile platforms with minimal customization. We will start with Android though.

2- Our aim is to create an app signed by the NXT foundation which will be deployed to the official app stores.

3- The app will use two modes: (a) “Mobile Friendly” – simplistic UI which looks good on mobile devices but with limited functionality which we will enhance gradually. (b) “Web Wallet” – which is essentially the existing browser UI with few minor modifications to make it usable on a small form factor devices. Users will be able to seamlessly switch between these two flavors.

4- The app will try to leverage mobile tech to enhance the user experience, for example by scanning QR codes using the mobile device camera instead of having to type or copy/paste data, where applicable.

If any of you need some help about setting up a testnode, the following video by our college Mrcluster87 will come in really handy for you. In spite of the fact that the NRS version in the tutorial isn’t the latest, the configuration procedure is the same:

[vsw id=”kFBwKHKAXPw” source=”youtube” width=”425″ height=”344″ autoplay=”no”]

Source: https://nxtforum.org/general-discussion/need-more-testnet-nodes and https://nxtforum.org/general-discussion/create-android-app-base-on-nxt/40

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  • PPA – The easiest and fastest way to install the NRS in Ubuntu

Bcdev explains to us how to easily install the Nxt client in your Ubuntu-based computer. You just have to add the proper repository to your repository list on your computer, by running the following commands:

sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:nxtcrypto/nxt
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install nxt nxt-bootstrap-blockchain

On a VPS the process took 1m45s from start to end, but that’s mainly because it has a fast internet connection.
If you’re on a different distribution, here is the blockchain bootstrap.

This way, we’ll always be able to install the latest stable version of the program and, when we search for updates for the system, Ubuntu will also have a look at that repository. If it finds a newer version, it will be automatically updated.


Source: https://nxtforum.org/general-discussion/ppa-the-fastest-way-to-install-nxt-on-ubuntu/msg224426/?topicseen#msg224426

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  • NXT Community, Nxt on Telegram

The user JZA has announced a new group about Nxt on the Telegram platform. At the time of this writing, it already has 88 users. This new communication channel on this popular instant messaging application is an alternative to the official communication channels nxtforum.org and Slack.

Source: http://telegram.me/NxtCommunity and https://nxtchat.slack.com/archives/general/p1473738135001067



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  • Governance of blockchains and Nxt perspective

In this article, Bas Wisselink of the Nxt Foundation talks about a subject that it’s often left out when analyzing an open-source project- the project management structure. It may seem that developing an open-source project is completely anarchistic and has no structure, but previous experiences show us that that’s not true.

Bas performs a short analysis of Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Nxt, comparing among them aspects such as if the Development team follows the “Cathedral” model (less open to external contribution) or the “Bazaar” model (more open to external contribution), whether the governance system follows the “Benevolent dictator” model (less open to participatory governance) or the “Formal meritocracy” model (more open to participatory governance). These three cryptos show major differences and some similarities in these aspects.


Short after Nxt was invented, BCNext, the original developer, handed the project to the community that, at that time, was already formed. Anybody could step in and continue the development. Many developers joined and, step-by-step, all of them soon consolidated around Jean-Luc, who since then became the lead developer of Nxt with Lior Yaffe as Project Manager.

The three cryptos share the same tripod of developers, “miners”, and entrepreneurs, in their governance system mixed together in different proportions and with different degrees of power for each agent. In the case of Nxt, a bunch of people with an entrepreneurial background established the Nxt Foundation with the aim to connect with real-world businesses with the platform. The Foundation tries to coordinate the community while carrying out marketing and sales campaigns. The Nxt Foundation does not incorporate core developers into its board, but both sides provide each other with feedback, such as about the needs and complaints of the users as well as the vision of the future of the platform. Ardor, for example, is a result of this collaboration.


Source: http://www.revue-banque.fr/management-fonctions-supports/article/gouvernance-des-blockchains-perspective-nxt

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Alexandre Eich-Gozzi, member of the Nxt Foundation, explains in this article the complex procedures that are involved in international trade. Millions of documents and customs declarations are carried out every year where many agents with their own proprietary solutions get involved in each of them, trying to solve all the possible use cases that may come up when working with other agents and their own solutions, which are many and varied. All of this turns the process into something highly inefficient where many agents are involved: banks, business, transportation, chambers of commerce, customs departments, etc.


The article elaborates on how blockchain technology could orchestrate this process, simplify it, reduce its cost, improve traceability and security, etc. In addition, the author goes over how a thorough operational prototype on Nxt’s blockchain was carried out to demonstrate that even today, it’s possible to address this complex issue, thus satisfying all of the agents involved.

This prototype runs on Nxt because:

  • the energy-saving level achieved with the proof of stake mechanism

  • the functionality and security given by smart contracts

  • the coding language, Java, on which it is easy to train developers

  • Security in the code of Nxt, thus ensuring the future implementation of private blockchains without any vulnerabilities

  • the support offered to developers via the help desk set up by the Nxt Foundation


Source: http://www.revue-banque.fr/management-fonctions-supports/article/blockchain-commerce-international

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  • Weekly NXT price evolution

The following graphic shows the NXT / Bitcoin exchange price at Poloniex for this past week:


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