July 2017 (II)
Welcome again, fellow Nxters! Summer is in full swing and we are still working hard to provide you with the relevant news of last week in this concise format.
As always, whatever your interest and whoever you are, you are in the right place for your comprehensive analysis of all things Nxt and Ardor. Last week was action packed, with many interesting and exciting opportunities presenting themselves.
- IGNIS ICO will be held on Nxt Blockchain
- #OpEasterEgg
- NxtWiki – New Page regarding NXT Transaction Fees
- If you do not forge, Nxt dies…
- ARDOR Startpage in Heatnodes.org
- [CORE] Bug bounty 3 – Track loading progress before lock screen is displayed
- [CORE] Bug bounty 4 – “Time to next block” counter
- World Economic Forum – Realizing the Potential of Blockchain
- Doctor Crypto – Ardor NXT and Burst information is found here
- Steemit – NXT price performance
- TradingView – NXT, ready for next push
- TradingView – LONG powerful Resistance area for ARDR
- Weekly NXT/ARDR Price Evolution
This week’s newsletter is put together by jagd, apenzl, rubenbc and Jose, with final edits by Travin Keith.
We asked and you delivered Nxters! The IGNIS logo competition has 29 great designs submitted. Many people have already expressed their opinion and now we have set up a poll on Nxt’s blockchain in order to let the community show their preferences for the logo. We are grateful to the community for their support in participating in this competition. However, we should keep in mind that Jelurida and the Nxt Foundation have the final say. The top 3 logos will be selected in less than 48 hours.
Poll title is “IGNIS LOGO”
The poll ID is 1977236085310946157
Sender account is NXT-ZZW7-U2KL-AV2U-8P8FE
In this post you can find a compilation with the 29 options.
The poll will be active until block 1391320 (12th of July, just 48 hours to cast your vote!!!)
You can choose up to 3 options out of the 29 available but you must hold at least 1000 NXT in your Nxt account in order to cast your vote.
The creator of the winning design will be awarded 5000NXT and a free 1 year Nxt Foundation Supporter+ status.
Source: https://nxtforum.org/general-discussion/ignis-logo-lets-create-one-together!/msg233741/#msg233741
IGNIS ICO will be held on Nxt Blockchain
Along with a shiny new logo, IGNIS will have its ICO in the near future.
Nxt and Ardor core developer Riker explains some of the technical details:
When Ardor mainnet is launched:
[The] ARDR parent chain tokens will be distributed based on the NXT ARDR asset id 12422608354438203866 balances [on the Nxt Blockchain].IGNIS child chain tokens will be distributed as follows:
- 500 Million based on the JLRDA currency balances sold during the ICO. This will include small amounts of IGNIS already promised through promotions
- slightly less than 500 Million IGNIS will be distributed based on the existing NXT balances at 2:1 ratio.
The JLRDA currency, most likely, won’t be supported by exchanges, so you’ll have to use the NXT wallet to purchase it and use the same passphrase in the Ardor wallet to receive your IGNIS.
After the mainnet launch, there will be a NXT hard fork which will lock the [Nxt] ARDR asset balances for trading [on the Nxt Blockchain] to prevent scams.
Exchanges will have to somehow replicate this distribution process which won’t be simple.
- Exchanges which assign NXT account per user can simply connect to Ardor using the same passphrase and observe the distribution balances.
- Exchanges which keep all balances in a pool will have to follow the distribution process.
We will be using NXT for the IGNIS ICO because we are proud of NXT and we trust NXT more than we trust Bitcoin or ETH and because it is natural for a token based on the NXT technology to use the NXT technology for its ICO. There are also good technical reasons for this which will be explained soon.
Oh my, look at all the FREE STUFF we have just lying around. Last week, 5 digital copies of the Nxt book, SNAPSHOT, which is finally going to be listed for sale on the Nxt Marketplace from July 15th onwards, were given away in the Nxt blockchain Easter egg hunt.
— EasterEggs (@OPeasterEggs) July 4, 2017
Nxters pasted the number above into a Nxt Blockchain Explorer and it finally made sense. Others followed the clue from our last newsletter; made a search for ‘OpEasterEgg’ in the Nxt Marketplace, and found 5 new items for sale for 1 NXT. The name of the item was ‘Redeem Code’, the ‘tag’ it was listed under was ‘OpEasterEgg’. And the item, the Redeem Code, was, in fact, a riddle.
48 hours.
Success of Nxt is supposed to be achieved by [ … ]
BCNext's Nxt. #OpEasterEgg
— EasterEggs (@OPeasterEggs) July 6, 2017
First. pic.twitter.com/E8GHv03jfF
— EasterEggs (@OPeasterEggs) July 7, 2017
To participants who did NOT manage to find the passphrase in time:
Read BCNext’s Nxt on Nxter.org
or see https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=345619.msg4383169#msg4383169
The missing words, and thus the passphrase, were: work of a LOT of PEOPLE.
We’re glad to see more and more followers of our Twitter account, glad for the blockchain messages, glad to see participants reach out and give each other a helping hand by sharing additional clues, and glad to showcase some of Nxt’s many features in a fun way and give away free stuff at the same time.
To join the Nxt Blockchain Easter egg hunt, just follow the news and make sure to follow #OpEasterEggs.
NxtWiki – New Page regarding NXT Transaction Fees
There is no such thing as a free lunch but yes, Nxt Blockchain transactions have a fee associated with them, a fee that is sent to forgers of the Nxt blocks. To clarify oft-asked questions, we are pleased to announce a new page on the NxtWiki that is dedicated to Nxt Transaction Fees. All pertinent questions are answered within.
If you do not forge, Nxt dies… – Megalodon Stops the Campaign
No, this isn’t Halo Forge, this is about the cessation of the Forging Bounty established by Megalodon a year ago.
The security and future of Nxt, it’s community, and your investment in it, is at stake here. Please do not just sit on your stake; productively use it for forging!
Lurker10 explains:
If you do not forge, Nxt dies…and your investment also dies.
When the total forging stake gets too low, security of the network is decreased, it becomes vulnerable to 51% attacks.
The total forging stake has dropped to 270 million of the total supply of NXT coins. This is an all time low. Please start forging to protect your investment.
It is precisely for this reason that I initiated the Forging Bounty back in June 28, 2016.
After running it for over a year and distributing almost 2 million NXT, the result has been disappointing. Instead of seeing an increase, we get a decrease in total forging power. Obviously, this incentive does not work. Hence, I’m cancelling this bounty program.
However, the Lucky Node program run by Lurker10 will continue to be funded until further notice.
A great use of a Raspberry Pi is to host a dedicated Nxt forging node! If you have a Pi sitting around, whimpering about how it is not being used to generate you any money, then we have the solution for you!
Here are the instructions on how to setup the Pi to be a dedicated node.
Also, a great way to support the Nxter Newsletters and NXTER.ORG is to use our forging node.
Arthur explains:
By leasing your NXT balance to us @ alias nxthub1 (acct NXT-NYJW-6M4F-6LG2-76FR5), you support the Nxt network PLUS our work.
It will cost you just 1 NXT.
Click on your balance in the Nxt Client
> Click Account Leasing
> Click Lease your balance to another account
> Enter account NXT-NYJW-6M4F-6LG2-76FR5 or alias ‘Nxthub1’. Choose max period (default).
Nxter Magazine / NXTER.ORG’s forging node is nrs.nxter.org.
Please consider doing so. OR forge with your own account or node. Thanks.
The foundation of the Nxt Blockchain is forging. It is what makes our currency valuable and it is what makes our network strong.
ARDOR Startpage in Heatnodes.org
Another website displays ARDOR and details how to get started using the platform that you are growing to love on testnet.
Janus – Summary
The news of the week would not be complete without an update on Janus. The token created on Nxt continues to update the news of the launch of their social fintech site, TradeMimic.com, and the transactional history of the Janus token on various asset exchanges.
From Bjorn, the marketing director:
bjorn_bb [7:38 PM]
we are discussing potential launch commercials for trademimic.com while development wraps up betterbets.io and etcbets changes and upgrades
Alphonso has a contact in commercial production we may use
Ideally i’m looking to create something to attract both white collar and blue collar users, so sit tight everyone
I want to surpass all expectations for this business many things are working for us due to having elements from both forex and blockchain
More information: #janusproject (Join Nxtchat on Slack) | Twitter
History and news: https://www.nxter.org/ae-janus-4348103880042995903
BREAKING: Awesome news for #Janus traders.The infamous CAT BOT just added https://t.co/XJKobaS4sw to their portfolio. Good trades $BTC $NXT pic.twitter.com/EnXuLzcFaj
— Luis_Batista (@FloatingLamps) July 10, 2017
[NXTBridgeAssetInfo id=4348103880042995903]
[NXTBridgeAssetStock id=4348103880042995903]
Adel – Video Presentation
Adel, another token on the Nxt blockchain, has a created a new video presentation.
In their words:
One of the cornerstones of our community is to produce quality content. Co-founder, Gabriel Dusil, delivered a presentation to a group of Dutch bankers, which has been produced into two 20 minute videos.
In the last five minutes, Gabriel shares his previous experiences, selling technology to decision makers who innovate themselves out of a job. Gabriel summarized by saying: “Blockchain will be seen as a threat to a departmental empire, or an opportunity to expand one.”
This presentation is an excellent one to share with your network as it offers the technical basics of blockchain while also providing a long term view of the obstacles and opportunities facing the industry.
We will be posting this video to our social channels today, please be sure to share, retweet and upvote. Your social support does make a difference.
How to Acquire ADL
You can use https://coinmarketcap.com/calculator/ to calculate how much fiat, BTC, ETH, or other altcoins are needed to acquire your ADL.
You can currently purchase ADL on 3 different exchanges:
1 – NXT Asset Exchange (Asset ID: 17477397104276156702)
2 – https://Stocks.Exchange (trade BTC or NXT)
3 – https://CryptoDAO.com (trade BTC, LTC, ETH or DASH)
Review their Vimeo channel for videos on how to use the exchanges http://www.vimeo.com/AdelEcosystem
Remember: Bounty programs are also available to earn ADL. If you have a skill in writing, creating video blogs, doing promotions, performing digital marketing, or even if you know someone who can help their community grow, then reply to adel@adelphoi.io for more details on their bounty program, or check out their frequently asked questions: https://adelphoi.io/#faq
[NXTBridgeAssetInfo id=17477397104276156702]
[NXTBridgeAssetStock id=17477397104276156702]
More information: www.adelphoi.io
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[CORE] Bug bounty 3 – Track loading progress before lock screen is displayed
Riker has offered two rewards in the form of NXT to the person who manages to solve these challenges.
Currently when connecting to a remote node for the first time, it’s not uncommon to see a Blue screen displayed for 10-20 seconds while the client fetches the necessary resources.
The purpose of the task is to display a moving progress bar when loading the client until the lock screen is displayed.
There is no simple solution for this because of the way the client resources are loaded synchronously using the nrs.sitebuild.js script.
This synchronous loading is necessary in order to initialize the handle bars components and the localization resources.
The solution can utilize any wide spread web development technique, but not rely on any plugin, and has to work both in browser and in the mobile browser and not break the desktop wallet (which is less affected by this problem).
We would like to offer a 20K NXT bounty for this task.
[CORE] Bug bounty 4 – “Time to next block” counter
The purpose of this task is to implement an expected next block counter.
Currently we have the generators page which displays the expected next forger and expected forging time.You will need to implement a next block count down label based on this data in the left pane next to the block height.
Clicking this widget will open the existing generators page.
The code has to be clean and the widget has to look elegant and integrate well with the existing UI layout.
We would like to offer a 5K NXT bounty for this task.
World Economic Forum – Realizing the Potential of Blockchain
The World Economic Forum, the international organization for cooperation between private and public entities, released a White Paper on the importance of distributed ledger technologies and the importance of blockchain technologies, like Nxt, for the next major evolution/revolution to the business world in the internet age.
The paper cites the importance of blockchain technologies as a new global resource and lists Ardor as one of the Top 10 digital assets of 2017.
Great report by the @wef regarding the potential of #blockchain technology where #Ardor got a small mention. $ARDR https://t.co/sihot5oI8j pic.twitter.com/s0ixbfBMXa
— Ardor Platform (@ArdorPlatform) July 6, 2017
Doctor Crypto – Ardor, NXT, and Burst information is found here
Crypto-analyst and YouTuber Doctor Crypto recently released a video extolling the virtues of Nxt and the Ardor Platform. Here is his review.
Steemit – NXT price performance
Steemit writers have offered some nice commentary on the performance of NXT week after week.
In their words:
maximdraws : Hey fellow Steemers, I hope today has been a happy one for yourself. I woke up a little later than usual since I was writing some articles late last night and am finally done with university I gave myself the extra sleep. The crypto markets are playing nicely today, I’m especially enjoying XVG’s performance.

TradingView – NXT, ready for next push
TradingView – LONG powerful Resistance area for ARDR
Weekly NXT/ARDR Price Evolution
The following graphic shows the NXT / Bitcoin exchange price at Poloniex over this past week:
The following graphic shows the ARDR / Bitcoin exchange price at Poloniex over this past week:
That wraps up the news for the week. Stay tuned for next week as we continue to provide you with all the relevant and exciting news for Nxt, Ardor, and all things involving the accelerating growth of the blockchain space. We love our community, we would be nothing without you guys/gals!
Follow us on Twitter for important breaking updates during the week as they happen. Stay committed and stay informed fellow Nxters! See you next week.