Meet James

This article is the second in the ON TOP OF NXT series. Part 1: What is Nxt building  Come-from-Beyond: Nxt is more a platform than just a currency and this is not coz its technical implementation allows to easily add new features. “Platform” should be read as “stepping stone” to changes in the global society. So, to make it …

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JLH (jll777HODL)

Issuer: jl777 Asset ID: 6932037131189568014 Holding account: NXT-2AHU-UXZW-K9Q2-HENLW Trading and performance: http://mynxt.info/blockexplorer/assets.php?asset=6932037131189568014 JLH (jl777HODL) James, on May 17, 2014: I get so many PMs with that same question [which of my assets is the best one to invest in?], I decided to solve this matter. I made jl777hodl asset. when possible, it will simply hodl ~10% of the assets …

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