Best thoughts. And some weird ones.
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Green Thumbs for Fungi
Dear Diary, I moved to Mycora. Today, I have taken it upon myself to introduce the enchanting world of fungi into the fabric of the lands. Fungi have profound significance in the natural world. They are the silent architects of life, connecting ecosystems and fostering symbiotic relationships that help sustain all beings. Fungi are most …
Not all who wander are lost
There will be 2 kinds of quests, I thought: Quests from NPCs that you accept, for loot and leveling up, and quests that are connected to the main plot, the great world narrative. Or so I thought, until I had a chat with a good friend of mine who is a game designer. I wanted …
Blockchain will save your business. This is not a drill! /// Part V ///
An entire Residence in every confirmed transaction: The Blockchain Promise How do we define real? The ability to touch, see, feel with our senses? All the brain relays and nothing more if you ask me. Another question…what do you and I understand by the term ‘death’? The end of the ability to talk, move …
Dear Investors, It’s Time To Face The Real Facts
Many of the existing blockchain startups that are looking to raise money are not real businesses. Yes, they have ideas, often brilliant ones that almost sound too good to be true. And then… that’s it. Nothing but ideas put on paper with no clue on how to fully execute it to make the promised prototype. …
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Start The Engine
We’re starting an experiment. How can I call it anything else? An online game. Text-based, multiplayer. It can be played directly in Discord. In fact, we’re not just making a game but a new game engine. It will use Ardor accounts for player IDs, the SIGBRO app, and it implements different Ardor features. WHY this …
Self-Sovereign Identity on Ardor
Aaaand the winner of the Ardor Community Hackathon is… “bba DID Method” “Say WHAT?” you say, and that’s what I did too. So, before I congratulate “Atzen”, the winner of the Ardor hackathon, and ask him what he will do with all that great MONEY he won, let’s try understanding the WHY, HOW, and the …
New GUI proposal for Ardor’s Decentralized Exchange
One of history’s first stable unregulated DEX’s hit the crypto sphere in March 2014. It was built into the Nxt blockchain and was an instant success. It was easy to issue asset tokens on Nxt, so the “AE” soon gave birth to various projects, from community meme-coins to crowdfunding campaigns for Waves-founder Sasha Ivanov and …
A new Internet Layer on the Decentralized Ardor Data Cloud
This next Ardor Community Hackathon entry in the series comes in the form of a Chrome/Brave browser extension that adds a new censorship resistant layer to websites on the existing internet. It won 2nd prize and was submitted by Patoshi from xCubicle. Nothing stops someone from dropping a $10 note at the bench at a …
Ardor Gifts – depositing and redeeming crypto with a code
I’ll kick off this cavalcade of Ardor Community Hackathon 2020 winning submissions with an entry from the hackathon organizer himself, Mrv777. I’ll cover the winning hackathon projects in casual order to keep some excitement about what’s next in this walk-through of powerful Ardor apps and design entries, and remember: it’s all open source. The short …
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