Coding for NXT Crypto Platform #2

Coding for NXT Crypto Platform #2: First Steps About Nxt Did you ever want to participate in a financial field with your Software without taking big risks and have an easy and anonymous access to? Have you tried to access monetary systems and get transparent data from Asset Exchanges, Marketplaces, Data clouds? Nxt is a …

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Coding for NXT Crypto Platform #3: Output from the Asset Exchange

Coding for NXT Crypto Platform #3: Output from the Asset Exchange The Star of Blockchains Welcome to the third article on coding with NXT. In the previous articles I have shown you how to set up your Nxt configuration file to easily develop with JavaScript and how to get the first output from the Blockchain …

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Coding for NXT Crypto Platform #4: Historical Asset Data

Coding for NXT Crypto Platform #4: Historical Asset Data In the last topic I showed you how to retrieve basic data about Assets from the Nxt Asset Exchange. In this article I want to cover how to receive historical trades. The API call we are using here is “getTrades”.’ Historical Trades Historical trades can either …

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Coding for NXT Crypto Platform #5: Transactions on the Nxt Blockchain

Coding for NXT Crypto Platform #5: Transactions on the Nxt Blockchain Nxt Blockchain The Nxt Blockchain is the heart of Nxt. Every Transaction ever made is recorded on the Blockchain. The Blockchain is a decentralized database, which is saved on your computer. To prevent spam, for every transaction you have to pay fees in the …

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Beer, Betting and the Nxt Blockchain

Suppose you have a circle of friends who you meet with in a sports bar to drink beer, watch sports and make bets. You can make bets on the Nxt Blockchain and have a basic Python app automate it for you. In my first article I introduced basics of a blockchain. As we learned, the most …

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Lottery on the Nxt Blockchain in Golang

In my first article I introduced blockchain theory, what it can do for your software project and the basics of interacting with the Nxt blockchain in PHP. Today I am going to present a small Lottery program written in Go. Pre-requisites: Golang (tested with Go 1.6.2) NRS 1.10.1 (https://bitbucket.org/JeanLucPicard/nxt/downloads/) The program is fully functional and runs a …

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Programming the Nxt Blockchain for fun and profit

Blockchains can be useful in various applications, facing global audience and supporting company internal infrastructure. A blockchain is a distributed database, a copy of the blockchain is stored on each node in a peer-to-peer network. This extreme redundancy can be duely considered inefficient, but please stay with me for a couple of minutes of blockchain theory. …

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