Bitscan.com: NEXTBOND: bitcoin arbitrage asset

Bitscan writes: Price difference on bitcoin exchanges represents an opportunity for easy, safe profits. Bitcoin is by far the most liquid cryptocurrency, but there are still inefficiencies across its many exchanges. It’s not unusual for prices to be several dollars apart, one way or another. Those differences can be exploited by arbitrage: buying at the …

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NEXTBOND: High interests Bitcoin asset

Today, NEXTBOND started trading exclusively on the Nxt Asset Exchange. NEXTBOND (asset ID 7105354913147670050) is 1:1 with superBTC and can always be exchanged to Bitcoins without any price slippage issues. It is similar to keeping your funds in a high interest account. NEXTBOND funds are used for arbitrage on BTC/USD exchanges (low risk). Preliminary results from the …

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[AE blog] EIX to merge with MMNXT; BOND to launch

Trading funds E9 (EIX) and MMNXT are merging under a single fund, NEXT. This will allow better use of combined funds, more clarity and no conflict of interest between the activities of the two funds. At the same time, a new bitcoin bond (BOND) will launch to generate further revenues for NEXT and directly for …

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