Summer Quest is part of the Nxter Puzzles series, created by madfox, sponsored by the ANG.


The Summer Quest is over (for now)!


The Summer Quest will take you on an adventure as you walk across parts of the world to find very specific numbers and words. The words of each stage of the quest will give you access to an Ignis account with an encrypted message. Find all the words and reap the final reward: 1000 IGNIS.

madfox wrote:

Prepare yourself for travels!

Use Google Maps to explore some of the cities that are important to members of the Ardor/Nxt project, as we invite you on a unique tour; walk the streets and uncover hidden words on this hunt for 1000 IGNIS. You must solve all parts of all stages of the quest to win.

In the Nxter Newsly (July V), Stage I + Stage II are presented. Their 12 words in total will together form a passphrase that gives you access to a Nxt/Ardor blockchain account. The passphrase unlocks an encrypted message in this account to let you know that your solution is correct. Check the message, keep a backup of the passphrase and wait for the next stage.

New stages (and bonus puzzles) will be announced every week in the Nxter Newsletter.

After Stage 5 one word remains to complete the passphrase. It will unlock the Prize Account with 1000 Ignis, sponsored by the awesome ANG! The final word will be announced during the Hackathon / Gamejam, August 24-26th in Austria, so stay tuned.

Unannounced bonuses in the form of Nxt or Ardor based coins and tokens might be sent to the Summer Quest accounts along the way. Nxters with the Summer Quest account passphrases at hand can transfer them to their own accounts. First come first served.

Good luck as you unravel your wanderlust.


STAGE 1 /July V

The first area to search is Hadera, Israel, where Lior Yaffe (co-founder, managing director @Jelurida) lives.

Search this area (using Google maps) to uncover the hidden words in the picture below.


Click the image to enlarge it

STAGE 2 /July V

The second area is Lancaster, PA, home of Elizabeth Mong, Director of the Ardor and Nxt Group (ANG).


In 2009, the LCSC’s expansion from a 70 to a 165-camera network attracted national attention, including a front-page article in the Los Angeles Times: “Lancaster, Pa., keeps a close eye on itself”. The article quoted city police chief Keith Sadler as saying, “Years ago, there’s no way we could do this... It brings to mind Big Brother, George Orwell and 1984. It’s just funny how Americans have softened on these issues.”

This is especially funny if you know the history of Nxt > Ardor. Short version.

Walk through and search this area (using Google maps) to uncover the hidden words in the picture below.


Click the image to enlarge it

STAGE 3 /August I

The third area is Lugano, home of Jelurida's main office.

Search this area (using Google maps) to uncover the hidden words in the picture below.

When you have unlocked the Stage III account, there's a bonus puzzle for you to solve HERE.


Click the image to enlarge it

STAGE 4 /August II

The fourth area in our Summer Quest is Rotterdam, The Netherlands, where Dominium, one of the new upcoming Ardor child chains, is located.

Search this area (using Google maps) to uncover the hidden words in the picture below.

Click the image to enlarge it


When you have unlocked the Stage IV account, there's a bonus puzzle for you to solve. Combine the words from the Stage IV and the August II bonus puzzle below, then wait for the final word to be announced on Dominium's official Twitter account to get access to the bonus account - you will find a redeemable singleton asset there, which represents 1000 DOM tokens.  Read more...

Countdown to the announcement of the SECRET WORD from Dominium


STAGE 5 /August III

The final area to explore on this journey, dear wanderer, is in the city of Krems, Austria.

Walk through and search the area (using Google maps) to uncover the hidden words in the picture below.

Then wait for the final word to be announced. This will be the last word in the passphrase that opens the account with 1000 IGNIS sponsored by the ANG. The word will be announced during the hackathon in Krems by this account on Twitter.

Click the image to enlarge it

Take it away.

All letters are lowercase, divided by spaces - exactly like the passphrase for your Ardor account.
The formula of the final passphrase is: (Stage I + Stage II) + Stage III + Stage IV + Stage V + FINAL WORD.

It's worth watching the Summer Quest accounts as bonus tokens are occasionally sent to them along the way.
Nxter Alerts will notify you by email of any in or outgoing transactions from any Nxt or Ardor/child chain account you subscribe to.

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