Nxter News – May 2018 (II): Life Can Only Be Understood Backwards; But It Must Be Lived Forwards

May (II)

Welcome, dear Nxters and other followers!

Progress is not always elegant or “picture-perfect.” Progress is often slow, painful, but ultimately greatly worth the momentary inconveniences of the growing pains. The computer did not change our lives in a day, it took decades for the technology to mature to benefit the average person. Then came the internet which exploded in popularity after only years. Now we have blockchain and ICO’s and cryptocurrencies and the like. America continues to, slowly, appreciate and regulate ICO’s and tokens like XRP and ETH – more ICO’s are planned for this year than ever before and we are at the forefront of this technological evolution! Progress is moving forward and learning these things – if this scares you, well, it should not, it should excite you! Last week we challenged you to spend an hour using the Ardor client. Did you do it?

We are not here to judge you, rather we are here to guide you through all this. Last week was eventful for the Nxt / Ardor / Ignis community. Jelurida released an intermediate roadmap, new videos, we warn you about filthy scammers, we reviewed the Ardor Blockchain Bootcamp course on Udemy and confirmed that you, yes you can become an advanced user of Ignis and Jelurida’s Ardor client. We bring you the latest info on the Triffic ICO, the latest Meetups that are happening  (and there are many), and much more!

We welcome back our old readers and warmly welcome our new ones. We want our readers to stay up-to-date with the blockchain evolution and we also want our readers to keep themselves and, their data, as safe as possible. Become experts in the Nxt / Ardor / Ignis blockchain ecosystem. So lean back and learn about all of last week’s progress.








This week’s newsletter is put together by apenzl, Jose, James, and rubenbc.


  • Jelurida

Ardor Roadmap Updated

Lior Yaffe, co-founder, core-developer, and spokesperson for Jelurida, posted on Slack last week:

Ardor/Ignis roadmap update:
As promised I’m posting an intermediate roadmap update for Q2/2018 in order to update the community about the development progress. The release of the full products roadmap, including NXT, is scheduled for the Ardor Seoul Meetup and will take place on May 28th.

What we announce today is as follows:

Q2/2018 release:
• Asset, Currency, Goods specific bundlers
• Translation of wallet to 14 languages
• Lightweight Contracts Add-on – testnet
• Transaction Vouchers – testnet
• Java 9 support

The Pruning and Snapshots feature will be available on testnet in Q3 and on mainnet in Q4.

We are making good progress with the design and implementation, however, we must make sure everything works 100%, before we can go live with such an important and unique feature.

And so, https://www.jelurida.com/ardor-roadmap shows the following changes:

Changes in the roadmap. Former roadmap (on the left, from Google Cache). New roadmap (on the right, from jelurida.com)

What is this  “Transaction Vouchers” now? And where did the “Additional child chains launched on mainnet” in Q2 go?

We will have to stay excited until the 28th of May when Lior goes on stage in Seoul, but following the indicators and action going on on the chats and forums, it is not a delay that we need to worry about. Triffic, the first child chain ICO on Ignis is not delayed, the Transaction Vouchers concept is well explained by Lior in a video below,  and “Asset, Currency, Goods specific bundlers” looks like an addition that screams for getting more attention soon. If you recall the “0 transaction fees post” about custom child chain bundlers, you might have a hunch about what will be added.

At Nxter.org we feel nothing but confident and eagerly await the next two weeks.

Ardor Roadmap and Lightweight Contracts

Monday, May 28, 2018, 7:00 PM

Dream Plus Gangnam
311 Gangnam-daero, Seocho 2(i)-dong Seoul, KR

32 Members Attending

Learn about the most technologically advanced blockchain protocol from a core developer and blockchain expert. Lior Yaffe of Jelurida will present the Ardor platform and NXT blockchain roadmap and demo our unique Lightweight Contracts and Transaction Vouchers features. We will leave time for questions and open discussion. See https://www.jelurida.c…

Check out this Meetup →


Jelurida Invited to Oxford University, May 14th

Veronica wrote:

We are delighted to share that Jelurida is invited by the Oxford University & Oxford Foundry to help educate its students and faculty sbout the future of Blockchain technology and Blockchain-as-a-Service. (…)

We will be presenting the Ardor technology for two hours plus Q&A Monday May 14th at 18h CET. After the talk, we will have dinner with the main representatives of the Oxford Foundry and the Oxford Blockchain Association, to discuss further potential collaborations.

It’s so exciting to be working with these great minds on the future of this technology.

More Info

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Videos – The Jelurida Q&A’s Continued

It is not a joke to give support to a global community of users, businesses, and blockchain developers. Jelurida took care of their support, starting January 2018, also, last week they posted this video about its company values, and a third one, about the value of the NXT blockchain platform:

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  • Ardor Bootcamp Reviewed by Nxter

Last week Nxter reviewed the Ardor Blockchain Bootcamp offered on Udemy. The 3.5-hour course is designed to transform even the newest, most unfamiliar person into an advanced user of Ignis and the Ardor platform. Over the course, you will be asked to create and issue your own assets and currencies on the Ardor TESTNET and gain first-hand experience using much of the rich and unique functionality of Ardor. Well worth the fee to register, and there’s a special Nxter coupon code for YOU inside the article.

Ardor Blockchain Bootcamp Reviewed or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Master Ardor


More Info

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  • Binance Dexathon – thanks for the pizza

Some weeks ago Binance announced a “Dexathon“, a coding competition with a $1M prize. The competition aims to create a new decentralized exchange (DEX) that will use its own native blockchain, Binance Chain.

Having launched the world’s first DEX, with the successful Nxt AE (Nxt Asset Exchange) online from 2014, some community members found it hard not to pitch in. One person that took matters into his own hands was community member: @patoshi.


giving an ardor demo…. lets see how it goes.

Elizabeth, director of the Nxt and Ardor Group (ANG):

I’m looking forward to talking with Patoshi this week at Consensus and looking at ways ANG can help.

There are so many opportunities for team work and support here in our community! @patoshi is working hard on many fronts. It will be fascinating to hear more about both his Meetups in NYC and his development projects!

Binance benefits from the Meetup they will sponsor. If we want the same attention we would need to find a way for Ardor to uniquely provide a benefit to them. (…) think on that while we wait :slightly_smiling_face:

More info

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  • Scam Accounts on Twitter

Lately, a lot of fake twitter accounts are appearing offering Ethereum giveaways. Jelurida has them, Nxter Magazine, nxtplatform, ardorplatform, ardornxtgroup, sazan have them. Ask yourself: would any of us give away free ETH? If it seems to good to be true, it is.

The fraudsters impersonate our profiles to promote their scams – it is not very brilliantly done, but we can see that they steal from some. Nxters, please BE AWARE!

One of the hundreds of scammer accounts. Blocked us, so we can’t them.

People, do not fall for it. Seriously. You do not send cryptocurrencies to accounts you do not know.  And Nxters, if you see fake Nxt/Ardor accounts, please let us know, and help us report them. Newbies are getting hurt by these scams!

Official Twitter accounts are:


Nxter Magazine: @Nxter_org

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HitBTC – Opened IGNIS/ARDR Deposits and Withdrawals

HitBTC opened Ignis and Ardor exchanges last week:

Hitbtc open deposit and withdrawal Ardor and Ignis

just checked hitbtc, both are available for deposit/withdraw

So they released people’s ardor and Ignis after 5 months? Can’t be.

Unfortunately they didn´t credited my IGNIS airdrop coins.

Help us hold them responsible!

Nxters, readers, other crypto followers – opening the wallets is great, but finishing the distribution of the IGNIS Airdrop tokens as promised should be accomplished too.

ChangeNOW – ARDR and IGNIS Enabled


https://changenow.io, Ardor and Ignis enabled.


Looks like its finally working (at least it provides the exchange rates which was a problem with IGNIS last month). If someone would like to test their service I would really appreciate it.

More info


Coinbit – Listing IGNIS, ARDR, and NXT

Elizabeth (ANG):

New Coinbit Exchange opens Ardor and Nxt trading pairs to Korean Market.

Support your tokens 

Opportunities to demonstrate support for ARDR / IGNIS and NXT are still out there:


Let your voice be heard:




You can vote for NXT/ARDR/IGNIS:






You can also vote for NXT/ARDR/IGNIS here:




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  • Everything About Ardor! Video in Spanish by FunOntheRide

The author, after attending to the Blockchain for Business Meetup in Madrid, decided to create this informative and easy to understand piece about Ardor. Spanish language video.

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  • Meetup in Madrid: Blockchain – Smart Contracts

The Meetup in Madrid went well last week. We will post related videos and stories soon.

More info

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Many opportunities to showcase your support, passion, or curiosity about Nxt, Ardor, and Ignis present themselves in the coming weeks.

A reminder for all Nxters, Nxt, Ardor and child chain community members – the community has been compiling the blockchain Meetup events across the ecosystem: https://teamup.com/ksv4ccmkufbpbqp86o.

As soon as Ardor ecosystem event dates are known, put them into cryptoCalendar to get the word out.

  • Monaco International Blockchain, May 16th -17th


myself and Kristina are heading to Monaco next week to attend the first blockchain conference event there: https://monaco-international-blockchain.io/


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  • Global Blockchain Technology Summit, May 17th -18th

Jelurida is a principal sponsor for Global Blockchain Technology Summit in London, May 17-18th. The summit will focus on cybersecurity, regulation, cryptocurrency, smart contracts and more.


  • Blockshow Europe, May 28-29th 

Veronica wrote:

We will continue to expand our community and keep Jelurida at the forefront of the Fintech market in Berlin, at the end of May, as we attend Blockshow Europe.

Myself, along with longtime community members like Alberto Fernandez (@almonte), Gabriel Francesch (@gabriel) and Moritz Warntjen (@mrmoejoe) will meet in person and have the opportunity to network together. Can’t wait!


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  • Korea Israel Innovation Center, May 23th – 29th

Ardor Roadmap and Lightweight Contracts

Monday, May 28, 2018, 7:00 PM

Dream Plus Gangnam
311 Gangnam-daero, Seocho 2(i)-dong Seoul, KR

32 Members Attending

Learn about the most technologically advanced blockchain protocol from a core developer and blockchain expert. Lior Yaffe of Jelurida will present the Ardor platform and NXT blockchain roadmap and demo our unique Lightweight Contracts and Transaction Vouchers features. We will leave time for questions and open discussion. See https://www.jelurida.c…

Check out this Meetup →

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  • CEBIT Festival 2018 in Hannover, on June 11th -15th

Veronica wrote:

Of all the startup platforms in Europe at the moment, none are as fast-growing or international in scope as SCALE11 at CEBIT, and Jelurida is pleased to announce that we will be on stage & have a booth within the Blockchain zone of the conference. This is exciting exposure, and we are proud to represent Ardor, Nxt, and Ignis at this event!

Their website

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  • Triffic – ICO About to Start

The Triffic team updated the community last week about when their anticipated ICO is going to occur – June 4th is the announced date.

coinerz also wrote:

We are holding our ICO on the Ardor platform and eventually we will become our own Ardor childchain.

This is a fact, but there’s a huge reason why it doesn’t appear on the roadmap. That’s because the child-chain implementation timescale rests with us and not Jelurida.

As a company, we have several hoops to jump through before we are ready to implement the childchain.

We have our ICO, we have building and scaling our app. We have to build up the worldwide community and we have to ensure that what we create is compelling for as many people as possible.

This may take six months or less, it may take a year or longer – at the moment there are so many variables, it’s impossible to predict a timeframe, let alone one that is publically announced to fit in with another company’s roadmap.

My point to this is that the perceived slowness of new childchains is nothing to worry about. Good projects take time to do properly, but they are coming.

More Info at: https://www.reddit.com/r/Triffic/comments/8if9ki/triffic_the_first_major_ico_to_utilize_the_ardor/ced

The Triffic Telegram Group is at https://t.me/joinchat/IC6UHRD3tdFRyou_KWrgqQ

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  • Bitswift Child Chain Update

Last week was busy for the Bitswift community. They announced a proper block explorer, and a practical guide to bundling with Bitswift was created by one of the founders, and more:

Bitswift Client Newsletter (Tech Update) repo: https://bitswifttechsolutions.freshservice.com/solution/categories/5000044631/folders/5000068080

Paul Busch,

now we have a proper block explorer Big thanks to the devs helping with these things


txn verification option added to bitswift.network
outputs full txn details

Moreover, Paul Busch created a practical guide to Bundling BitswiftBitswift is also building a global digital copyright system to showcase how the Bitswift blockchain can be utilized for transparency purposes while proving immutable ownership of digital data.

Join Bitswift on TelegramDiscord, and Reddit.

Learn more about the Bitswift ecosystem

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  • Generate and Get Paid with Vouchers, Using Ardor

In this video, Lior explains a new feature from Jelurida’s roadmap, “Vouchers”, to a captive audience in Oslo. In essence, “Vouchers” look like an easier way to create unsigned transactions JSON’s and send them to each other. You can do this with NXT and any Ardor child chain already, so what we are looking at might not a completely new feature but an optimization of the UI, and perhaps some new API’s.

In the video, Lior shows how to send a “Voucher”, consisting of a simple money transfer – in essence, an invoice for money owed.

If you want to send invoices today you can

1. Log in to any node, like nxt.nxter.org or ardor.nxter.org with the Payer’s account address.
2. Create the transaction and click ‘Advanced’ > ‘Do Not Broadcast’ > ‘Do Not Sign’ > ‘SUBMIT’.
3. Paste the ‘Unsigned Transaction Bytes’ or JSON into a text file or an email and send it to the Payer.

The Payer can now sign it with his passphrase and broadcast the transaction.

Or sign with NxtBridge OFFLINE tool or SigBro OFFLINE, and broadcast securely via the nxter.org website.

We look forward to learning more about the inbuilt “Vouchers” feature, which is planned for testnet in Q2/2018.

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  • Blockchain Generator Based on NXT Clone Starter Kit

Building upon the backs of giants, one Farbod Saraf, announced his project CoinGenerator: an open-source command line tool which allows you to create your own Proof-of-Stake (PoS) cryptocurrency (a Nxt blockchain clone). A nifty and elegant idea – but remember, per the terms of the JPL, 10% of any tokens created are reserved for NXT holders.


Farbod wrote:

We wanted to create our own cryptocurrency to integrate into our product but soon we realized that there are not many resources to help to build an energy efficient coin. So we decided to create this open-source tool which enables you to make your own cryptocurrency with its blockchain in less than a few minutes: https://www.producthunt.com/posts/coingenerator

Why your own crypto? Just a few use cases:

  • Build a local currency for your city
  • Build an asset management system for your company
  • Build an internal bonus system for your employees
  • Integrate blockchain to your existing product (e.g. to create a gamification ecosystem for your app) – or just play around for testing.

PS. For every cryptocurrency being generated via this tool, 10% of the tokens go back to NXT holders (due to NXT JPL license).

Come share this special moment with us on Product Hunt (we’re trending!) and tell us what you think about CoinGenerator.

We’ve made this [MOTIV currency] using the CoinGenerator: https://motive.network/
So basically 10% of the MOTIV coins will go to NXT holders. Same for any other projects made via this tool.


Read also the articles commented below How to Build Your Own Cryptocurrency (PoS) in Just a Few Minutes

How I created a cryptocurrency that rewards you for doing your own tasks

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  • Ardor Lite Update

Updates from the Ardor Lite project.

mrv777 wrote:

Releasing version 0.8.3 momentarily of Ardor lite: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=mrv.ardor.lite

Coin exchange crashing should be resolved now. Also added abilty to view public messages along with a few other small tweaks.

Please let me know any suggestions. Next version Im planning on increasing the number of coin exchange trades used in graphs. It’s currently at 200 trades.

In the previous released version (0.8.2) he added:

• Chinese Added
• Barcode scanner for contact creation
• Correctly label transactions between no other accounts except self
• Language should now default to native language if available
• Styling improvements
• Coin Exchange display bug corrected

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  •  Weekly Reminder 

We understand that our community truly is a global one and we respect that not everyone knows English – to this end we are working hard to have reliable and regular translations of the Nxter newsletters in the most popular non-English languages of our community.

Are you Chinese?

You can read Nxter newsletters in your own language here:

Spanish Nxters, all our news updates have been translated for you here:

Starting this week Nxter.org will be adding Korean, Russian and French sites as well.

If you have a project on Ardor or Nxt, or thoughts you want to share in a blog in your own language, please contact us.

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  • How to Issue an Asset on Ardor in 5 Mins

In this article, the author guides you through step-by-step how to create an asset on Ardor using the Asset Exchange. It really is that easy and simple to do!

The author wrote:

Ardor is touted as the leading contender in the BlockChain as a Service space and with good reason. It is more user friendly for individuals or business to get started with as everything can be done out of the box from within the official wallet without stress or worry.


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  • Business.com – 5 Industries Primed for Blockchain Disruption

This article present use cases for blockchain and Ardor is highlighted as the premier example of Blockchain-as-a-Service (BaaS).

They wrote:

Blockchain as a service

Many blockchain projects have tried different methods to fix Ethereum’s scalability issue, including Ardor, the new BaaS that offers data cloud storage, customizable monetary tokens, decentralized trade, encrypted voting and messaging, and a local marketplace. Where Ardor is notable is in its unique method of tackling blockchain bloat.

Ardor actually consists of two blockchains: a parent and a child. The parent chain, Ardor, takes on the brunt of the processing functions, while the child chains pay a fee to have their transactions processed. Older transactions can then be pruned, with certain nodes opting to act as archives for obsolete transactions.

Ardor has already launched its first child chain, Ignis, with more to come, promising a cost-effective and secure solution for companies to piggyback on a full-fledged blockchain as opposed to building their own from scratch.


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  • Bitscreener – Innovation and Enthusiasm Abounds in Crypto, but Where is the Trust and Experience?

ICO’s are exploding and it seems that everyone is trying to get in on this “hip” scene. But there are few trustworthy entities out there and the phrase “Caveat emptor” holds as true as ever. Jelurida continues to buck this trend by bringing maturity and experience to the blockchain space as there is a direct legacy between 2013 and the creation of the first 2.0 blockchain, Nxt, and Jelurida now. With years of experience and mature technologies, Jelurida is a lighthouse of stability in a cluttered and crowded sea of “bandwagoners” seeking to make a quick buck by throwing a celebrity and a flashy marketing campaign.

They wrote:

Jelurida, the company which owns the NXT Blockchain [IP rights], is another one that has history of experience having been around since November 2013. Jelurida is also expanding its growth with the experience it has garnered since taking up NXT, by building the Ardor Blockchain.

Both of these products from Jelurida are suitable for companies, but they differ in that NXT is designed for the private sector, and the public sector where as Ardor has more use-cases in the business sector. This indicates that the company has taken the time, and garnered the experience, to decide what is right with their Blockchain solutions in different circumstances.

Jelurida is strategically maintaining and developing for both Nxt and Ardor as both of them have common selling points, like PoS, java, APIs, and other such working features.

It has behind it trust, as well as experience, something that is vital, but mostly lacking from the new wave of cryptocurrency businesses.


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  • Coinbureau – NXT Coin Review: A Deep Dive into the Original Blockchain 2.0

This article is a well-done overview of NXT. From the creation of the Nxt blockchain to the definition of Blockchain 2.0 to the present day: this article highlights that although Ardor is technically Nxt 2.0, the original coin and its blockchain are still around and still worth keeping tabs on.

They wrote:

In Conclusion

Nxt was the original proof of stake coin, and is considered by some to be the realization of blockchain 2.0 – an improved version of Bitcoin built with Java.

It has lost its luster over the years, and other blockchain 2.0 technologies have stolen its limelight, but it is still a powerful and unique blockchain. With the development of Ardor, the Jelurida group hopes to restore its grip on blockchain 2.0 technology, with an improved and scalable solution.

You can learn more about Nxt here or get involved in its active community of enthusiasts and developers here. You’ll also find a download for the Nxt client, as well as an online demo to show you how the client functions before you download.


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  • Medium – A Step by Step Guide to Build a Proof of Stake Cryptocurrency with Its own Blockchain

A nice “How-To” guide that allows you to create your own Nxt based Proof-of-Stake (PoS) blockchain. Similar to the abovementioned CoinGenerator project, this comprehensive guide walks you through the set-up and deployment of your own blockchain.


The author wrote:

The Cryptocurrency will be a clone of Nxt Cryptocurrency. It uses the Proof of Stake consensus. There is no mining needed so it’s energy efficient. Also, the source code is in Java which is very well written and very easy to understand!

It will be released under the JPL license: https://www.jelurida.com/jpl

This license requires you to:

Give 10% of your coins to the Nxt holders (we will see how)

Keep your cryptocurrency open source



  • How I Created a Cryptocurrency that Rewards you For Doing your Own Tasks

From the same author as the previous entry, this article walks you through the creation of Motive, a cryptocurrency that rewards you for “getting things done” (GTD). An interesting, but long, read.

Creator: On the left, the wallet of the cryptocurrency created, and on the right, Kanbanote!

From the creator:

[With] ERC20 Tokens, the only problem is that I would have to pay fees for each transaction which makes sending 1 MOTIV per task done, a very costly action for the users! Also ERC20 uses Ethereum that uses the proof of Work consensus which is using a lot of electricity power! That is why I went for the PoS solution. (…)

I then found NXT. After more researches, I even found the NXT Clone Starter: https://bitbucket.org/Jelurida/nxt-clone-starter. There was even a video tutorial made by the team. The only con which is actually good for adoption is that 10% of the new coins will be given to the NXT holders! (…)

Now the cryptocurrency works. I had to integrate it to Kanbanote. (…) I always try to improve the user experience, so this Cryptocurrency should not interfere with a normal usage!


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  • TradingView – ARDR 389% by End of June by cbabyc


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  • TradingView – NXT / Bitcoin by StockGuild


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  • TradingView – NXT on 4X Profit This Summer? by CryptoManiac101


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  • Weekly NXT/ARDR/IGNIS Price Evolution

The following graphic shows the NXT / Bitcoin exchange price at Bittrex over this past week:

The following graphic shows the ARDR / Bitcoin exchange price at Bittrex over this past week:

The following graphic shows the IGNIS / Bitcoin exchange price at Bittrex over this past week:

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That is all for this week, Nxters. Follow us on Twitter or Telegram for important breaking updates during the week as they happen. The blockchain world is growing and progressing with every passing week and the sky is not even close to the limit of the potential for this great technology. Progress is hard work, but it is worth it. Learing about blockchains like Ardor is going to be work, but it will pay off once you begin seeing the immediate benefits! See you back here next week! We will keep you updated on the growing world of distributed ledger technology.

Help Nxter.org grow and help us continue to provide excellent and focused coverage on the ever-growing blockchain space by rewarding us for our hard efforts. Donation address: NXT-TK9J-MEKH-MUP9-HFCH2 / ARDOR-TK9J-MEKH-MUP9-HFCH2.

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