Nxt Voting System Teaser

Jones walks you through the Voting System feature: [youtube id=”dhJgz6hpHXg” width=”600″ autoplay=“no”] Voting System will soon be on public testnet. UPDATE: Nxt Voting System was released with NRS 1.5. Nxt is currently running NRS 1.8.2. (download link) Read more in ‘A few upcoming Nxt features explained‘, or discuss VS on nxtforum.org.

Create your own NXT client

By lightspeed. Here’s an experiment for those of you with a modicum of curiosity, 3 minutes to spare and a working knowledge of wordpad, notepad or textEdit (on Mac). Copy this 40 line code snippet and paste it into a text editor. Save the document to disk with a “html” extension (i.e. either just save …

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