Translators wanted!

What do we need?


Our goal is to give non-English speakers a local Nxt site.

It can’t just be a logo and a wallet download link, Nxt is not simple like that.

We want to give new users a fair introduction to Nxt with a client guide, descriptions of Nxt use cases and features, links to the most necessary tools and services, our nxtforums, and of course the Nxt client and fiat/BTC > NXT gateways.

It’s an ambitious project (this is the beginning), but NXTER.ORG contributors have already produced the content in English (most of it is also available in French), the website is set up and ready to be expanded with multilingual content, so “only” the translations and the implementation of these are left to be done now.

We need translators! Please help

Are you a confident English reader, well formulated in one of the main languages of this world, and are you interested in helping Nxt grow in your local area and beyond, your help will be very appreciated. If you have some prior knowledge of Nxt or crypto currencies in general, it shouldn’t be a very difficult task.

Besides the great honor of being a Nxt translator 😉 and helping Nxt to gain new users, translators are also rewarded with NXTP assets. It’s usually 1/3 of what the original article author was paid, but for this content you will get 1/2 of the author’s reward. Every month 100% of NXTER.ORG’s net profit is paid as NXT dividends to NXTP assetholders. To learn more about our NXTP asset (ID 17290457900272383726), see http://test.nxter.org/get-published-get-paid-nxtp/.

The local landing pages can easily be turned into local blog spaces or even magazines, with local content alongside translated articles, customized menus, sidebars and advertisement, Nxt services, it’s all supported. But first: Landing pages. To share, send friends to, mail to universities, devs, businesses, maybe the press. They will need it, so they can cover Nxt and SuperNET.

Here are the NXTP amounts for the translations of the articles:


Tutorial: Nxt installation (200)
Tutorial: NRS user interface
Tutorial: Nxt Asset Exchange (200)


Nxt – The Economy Platform (137.50)
Nxt – The Economy Platform For Everybody (125)
Nxt – for Financial Experts, Local Groups and Cryptofans (112.50)
Nxt – for Entrepreneurs, Indie Artists and Companies (125)
Nxt – The Economy Platform For Professional Traders (125)

Nxt Core articles

Monetary System (237.50)
Marketplace (237.50)
Asset Exchange (225)
Arbitrary Messages (237.50)
Alias system (187.50)
The PoS coin (187.50)


Advertise (150)
Get Published. Get Paid. (250)
Strings (menus, categories, tags, meta keywords, etc.) (300)

Let’s expand Nxt’s outreach. Maybe we’ll make the value of NXT rise. And we’ll increase the value of NXTER.ORG and open new opportunities for it – and the NXTP assets you’ve earned.

You can contact us by using our contact form or posting in the nxter.org nxtforum translations thread. Thanks.


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