So what took place in the Nxt booth on this beautiful day in crypto wonderland?
Today at 06:23:03 pm:
The Conference was terrific! Such a good vibe all over.
It’s clear that crypto is coming out of the woodwork and gaining approval and interest.ALL the people we met were genuinely interested, asked insightful questions about the issues important to them and all people took us seriously as a system.
We were cordially received and we are most definitely on the map. People don’t see us as “just an alt” anymore.Just a quick tally of the people I know we have talked with and received contact details from:
* BTCChina, Bobby Lee * GoCoin * Netiago * BTChip * Bitcoin Foundation * Elliptic * ZipZap * Mercadobitcoin * Rublon * OLS-Systems * Virtex * Coinproz * Happycoins * * Bitfury * Omidyar Network * Egopay * Tedd Marketing * Woodwallets * PRISMcide * Ripple Labs * Shopelia * CoinTerra * JafCapital * Strevus * BitFin * MasterCoin * Lamassu ATM * Coinbase, Charlie Lee * CryptoWerks * MarginSoftware * Bitcoin Solutions Ltd. * yBitcoin * Meni Rosenfeld * * * BitcoinThing * Alitin * Primeventures * BNP Paribas * Bitcoindoc * Norton Rose * Fulbright * Commonwealth Bank of Australia * Riddle Williams Attorneys …
From the Live Updates:
– GoCoin. Nice guys and some very exciting things going on here. I’ll leave the rest with Justabit as he is lead contact here.
– chanc3r met with the CEO of ZipZap. BIG interest there. We expect some very exciting developments here in the medium future here.
– Met with Happycoins on the smoking boulevard. They are one of the leading BTC – Fiat companies in Europe. They will be a good contact with connections in banking, legal and governments here. Contact lives in NL, so it will be easy to keep in contact and keep each other informed.
– Also managed, with a lot of running to press a card and receive a card from Bobby Lee of BTCChina. He was very busy, but I’ll follow him up after the Conference.
Lastly, chanc3r had a good developers conversation with Ripple Labs who were very impressed with our client and also were amazed by the support from our community. Good professional contacts
Talked with the PriceWaterhouseCooper guy, who turned out to be a poker game and I mentioned Ola’s decentralised poker game to. He wrote down the details and is on an iGame panel later, so I am hoping for a mention there
I just had a 30 minute talk with Meni Rosenfeld about this [Nxt unfinished whitepaper] and he has given me some things that he would need to actually take Nxt serious at this level. If he has time, he has said that he might be willing to consult. I will get back on this later.
– We are now being approached by Venture Capitalists.
– We have an investor for the amount of $ 250,000. chanc3r will take lead in this.
– We have been invited to a local affair here in NL, which might be a good test case for our local meet ups initiative and have a Nxt meet. The meet is in Arnhem.
Still bucketloads of interest here and it’s not diminishing.
Today at 06:23:03 pm:
After resting, we will go over all contacts collected, sort and prioritise follow ups and connect people to other people within the community.
I want to thank EvilDave, chanc3r, l8orre, Berzerk and coretechs for their enthousiams, input, voices, hard work and dedication. You guys are ACE and a joy to work with! Thís is how a team works! Also props for your enthousiastic support from the forums, people!
Now, I am going to sit behind my screen, sip coffee, eat pizza and have a very content evening!
Analysis and stories will follow tomorrow.
Just want to share this last nugget:
Charlie Lee came by and got a 15 minute presentation by chanc3r, l8orre and EvilDave!
Today at 07:12:21 pm:
Just got to add, as a little story, that the above was our second meet with Charlie Lee, the first one was when me and Damelon were doing a circuit of the booths and dropped in on Coinbase…we started our pitch to this very quiet dude, who listened very carefully and then interrupted us with the question:
“Do you know who I am?”
Me and D sort of looked at each other, I try to read the dudes badge, but it’s turned around. I think of bullshitting for a second or two, but then both of us simply say “No” simultaeneously. The quiet dude hands us both cards and says: “I’m Charlie Lee, I invented Litecoin”
Ooooppsss….crypto geniuses, me and Damelon.
But we had really excellent contact with him, probably spent an hour in total over two days, discussing Coinbase and NXT with him.
More stories to come……theres so much to cover,
It’ll take much of the next couple of days just to sort out what to do with all of our contacts…..but you guys need to know: NXT is a serious player now. We are seen as pretty much an equal to Ripple and Ethereum, by many of the people who matter in the crypto world.@JustaBit: your conference guide is pretty much perfect.
And you’ve been an invaluable support to us in the last few days of lead up to the conference. A sort of steadying hand to show us the right path.
I’ve always wanted to keep you (+Cointropolis in general) very much on-board with NXT and this conference has just driven that point home.I also want to to say that we had an excellent team that simply formed a really powerful unit right from the start:
Me on chief bullshitter and intro duties, Damelon as a slightly more low-key pitch man and contact organiser, l8orre answering the tech questions, chanc3r quietly and very competently manning the booth, Berzerk running around carding and Twittering like a good ‘un, andcoretechs just turning up and helping out with his mad pitching skillz.A really mixed team, all with different strengths and abilities, but the guys turned into the NXT dream team as soon as the conf. kicked off.
Gotta repeat that! Thank you so much for your great effort!
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Read the summary of yesterday’s action here: