Nxt and Ardor lead developer Jean-Luc (Jelurida) has announced that he will change the location of the official public Ardor repository from https://bitbucket.org/JeanLucPicard/ardor/downloads/ to https://bitbucket.org/Jelurida/ardor/downloads/
Ardor packages uploaded to the Jelurida repository will be signed with the
official Jelurida software releases signing key, 0xC654D7FCFF18FD55, already
used for signing the Private Blockchain Evaluation Kit packages.The latest release 2.0.3e has already been uploaded to the new location.
In a few days, the old repository will be deleted, with a notice directing
users to the new one. Please update any hardcoded website links.
Source: https://nxtforum.org/nrs-releases/ardor-public-repository-migration