Hang With Us


If you are looking for a rabbithole into our lovely community, there are several.

Meet us on a platform you like.
Join us, make friends, learn, solve, let's discuss visions.

We care and we're next.

Here at Nxter.org
you can read and contribute, and get feedback on your ideas, opinions and projects.
Log in with your Ardor ID, that's it. We look forward to meeting you and showing you around!

Here's a signup link for you: https://ardornxt.community

First announcements from Jelurida, a dev chat channel, AMA's, trading, random talks. Jelurida, the ANG, Nxter Magazine, and most child chain issuers hang out with our global community here. Our most visited and up-to-date meeting point.


POSfan writes:

Discord is for the people who don’t need to speak to the devs. But it’s a place where we can help each other out with the simple questions or advice. Nevertheless, we have good contact with Slack members ( not only Dev’s btw) and we will not hesitate to refer to Slack if the Ardor NXT Community Group can’t find an answer/solution. That works great. We reach a broader community this way.

Nxt Community: https://t.me/NxtCommunity
Ardor Community: https://t.me/ardorplatform

Good to follow, if you use Telegram. It's not where most Nxters currently hang out or choose to start an in-depth discussion or brainstorm a new blockchain project with the community. That said, why not do it! Build it, enjoy it, and others might join the discussion too! At the moment, let's just say we monitor it, try to keep it scam-and-spam-free, and post conclusions from everywhere else. Questions will be answered by knowledgeable community members but not instantly.

Many clones have a Telegram channel, and if you want to be among the first that hear their news updates, join them there.


The forums

If you're oldskool like that!

The nice thing about forums, compared to Slack and the rest, is the slower flow in postings, and that the posts stay. Nxt was announced and distributed from the Bitcointalk forum, the community was built there. We moved to nxtforum.org, and it was awesome! If you want to dive deep into the Nxt and Ardor history, with everything it holds, that's where you'll look.

https://nxtforum.org | ardorforum.org
and there's a nice community-forum over at ardor.rocks too, where you are awarded ROCKS for taking part.

Finally, forum.nxter.org is a forum created for Nxter contributors and as a support forum for Sigbro users/devs.