Riker, Nxt and Ardor core developer, published a list of all the remaining tasks that have to be completed before the Ardor Testnet goes live. There isn’t an exact date when the the launch of the testnet will take place yet, but it will happen in this first quarter of 2017. It’s important to note that after some previous leaked images, the market capitalization of Nxt and Ardor went up, which shows how many people are keeping and eye on these projects. Obviously, there is a lot to be expected.
Lior writes:
Getting closer to the Ardor testnet release but still some way to go.The server code is nearly complete and the APIs are mostly stable… Most of the work will now focus on getting the client UI ready for release
Here is a list of remaining tasks which we would like to complete before the official release:
– More work on the Coin Exchange page and tables
– Prefix each MS currency name with the name of the chain to which it belongs – partially implemented
– Ability to link from a child chain transaction to the ChildChainBlock transaction in which it was bundled – done
– Improve the entity properties modal to support entities like orders and offers – done
– Format amounts and links in the entity properties modal
– Test and fix currency reserve/claim tables and modals
– Remove child chain specific widgets from the Ardor UI
– Reomve Ardor specific widgets from the child chain UI
– UI for the new “by holding” dividend modal
– UI for the “by holding” dividend history
Source and more information: https://nxtforum.org/general-discussion/ardor-testnet-countdown/